Barekendan: (Armenian: Բարեկենդան) literally (the good life, joy). It takes place on the previous Saturday of the Great Lent. On that day The Church permits the priests and the faithful people to have a feast and a sumptuous dinner, to welcome the coming Lent with a joyful heart, and to be ready for the prolonged fasting season. According to the Armenian calendar, there are several Barekendans: Barkendan of the Lent of Vardavar, Barekendan of the Lent of Holy Mother, Barekendan of the Lent of the holy cross, Barekendan of the Lent of Saint Gregory the Illuminator, Barekendan of the Lent of Saint Yeghia, and others.

The Armenian Church celebrates in joy precisely the Main Barekendan itself.    




Source: Encyclopedia of "Who Is Who; The Armenians", volume I, editor in chief Hovhannes Ayvazyan, Yerevan, 2007. (in Armenian).

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